Nuneaton Moviemakers Constitution and Rules, re-printed June 2015
The name of the Society shall be NUNEATON MOVIEMAKERS, hereinafter referred to as the Society and shall be conducted as a non-profit making organisation. Membership is not restricted to residents of the Nuneaton area.
All assets and liabilities in the former names of Nuneaton Cine Circle and N.C.C. Moviemakers shall be transferred to the Society.
The objects of the Society shall be as follows:
(a) To encourage movie making as a hobby within the community.
(b) To impart technical knowledge by means of mutual help and discussion between members.
(c) To use the skills and resources of the Society for the benefit of the local community by recording and presenting videos of regional events, local history and items reflecting the cultures of the area.
(d) To increase the knowledge and technical ability of members by the provision of lectures, the screening of films of special technical merit and interest, and advice upon suitable channels of instruction.
(e) To encourage interest in film as an art and as a medium of information and education.
Membership of the Society is open to all members of the public. Subscriptions shall be renewed annually at the first meeting in September, and if a subscription should be in arrears for more than one month, membership shall lapse forthwith without further notice. No person who has ceased to be a member of the Society shall have any rights of interest in the property or funds of the Society.
Membership of the society shall entitle the holder to attend all meetings and film shows organised by the committee and to the loan of Society property for private use at the discretion of the Committee subject to certain conditions as may be laid down from time to time by the Committee.
Membership of the Society shall entitle the holder to admission of guests at film shows subject to the discretion of the Committee. Only members and their guests shall be admitted to film exhibitions. Guest tickets to be obtained in advance of shows.
The Officers of the Society shall be: (a) President
(b) Chairman
(c) Vice-Chairman
(d) Hon. Treasurer
(e) Hon. Secretary
(f) Hon. Programme Secretary
(g) Hon. Social Secretary
(h) Webmaster
The officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. If any Officer ceases to hold office either by death or resignation, the Committee shall have power to elect a successor until the next Annual General Meeting of the Society.
(a) Constitution
There shall be a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Society, not less than one or more then four elected members and the immediate past-Chairman, who will be an ex-officio member of the Committee for the year following his/her term as Chairman.
(b) Meetings, Notice and Business
The Chairman shall have the power to instruct the Hon. Secretary to convene a Committee meeting at any time, of which not less than seven days notice shall be given in writing, specifying the business to be transacted, and at which the Hon. Treasurer shall give a report. The Committee shall have the power to decide the price of guest tickets, and date and place of meetings, and to recommend the amount of the annual subscription to the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Society. Guest tickets must be paid for by members, not guests.
A special meeting of the Committee shall be held not less than a week before the Annual
General Meeting of the Society to approve the Chairman’s report and Statement of Accounts for presentation at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
(c) Sub-Committee
The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees, and the Officers of the Society shall be ex-officio members of such Sub-Committees. Unless the Society Committee decide otherwise, the Sub-Committee shall have the power to elect their own Chairman.
(d) Absence from meetings
Any member of the Society Committee who is absent from three consecutive Committee meetings shall be deemed to have forfeited his/her position on the Committee unless the Committee shall otherwise resolve.
(e) Quorum
The quorum of the Society Committee and it’s Sub-Committees shall be one-fifth of their respective numbers, except that the quorum in no instance shall be less than three.
(f) Co-option
The Society Committee shall have power to co-opt not more than six additional members. The Sub-Committee shall have such power of co-option as the Society Committee shall determine.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held before the end of April of each year for the following purposes:
(a) To pass the audited accounts of the Society for the financial year ending 25th March.
(b) To receive the Report of the Chairman on the work of the Society for the year ending 25th March.
(c) To elect the Officers of the Society according to rule 5.
(d) To elect the Society Committee according to rule 6(a).
(e) To appoint two auditors
(f) To appoint a Publicity Secretary
(g) To transact such other business as may be brought before it.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent out at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
A Special General Meeting of the Society may be summoned at any time by the Chairman of the Society or by one-third of the members, acting together, who shall send a written request to the Hon. Secretary to convene such a meeting. The object of the meeting shall be stated in the notice convening it, and at least seven days notice shall be given.
Whilst every member of the Society is entitled to receive notice of all General Meetings, failure for any reason whatsoever to give notice of a General Meeting to any member of the Society shall not invalidate such meeting or any resolution passed or any election or appointment made at such a meeting.
For all General Meetings of the Society the quorum shall be not less than one-quarter of the Society Membership.
The votes at all meetings other than for the election of Officers etc., may be taken in the first instance by a show of hands, but the Chairman, at his discretion, may direct a poll to be taken, and shall so direct if requested to do so by one-third of the members present. The Chairman shall have a second or casting vote in all cases where the voting is declared to be equal.
The Officers and members of the Society shall not receive payment, ether direct or indirect, for their services or for other then legitimate expenses incurred in their work as may be authorised by the Society’s constitution. The Society shall not run for the private profit of a member or members. Any balance at the end of the year shall be carried over and devoted to furthering the objects of the Society. At the discretion of the Committee nominal expenses or kind can be allowed to visiting speakers.
In the event of the dissolution of the Society the assets shall first be used to pay off any debts. The remaining assets should be distributed to any charity or organisation with similar objectives, as decided by the remaining members.
The Society Committee shall have power to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.
The Society shall have the power to alter these rules, providing such alteration is made only at a General Meeting of the Society, and then only by a majority consisting of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting. Notice of the proposed alteration shall be given with the notice convening the meeting.
As adopted: Special General Meeting, 30th October 1968
Rule 6(a) amended A.G.M. 15th April 1970 Minute 4
Rule 5 amended A.G.M. 14th April 1971 Minute 6
Rule 5 amended A.G.M. 12th April 1972 Minutes 3(i) and 3(ii)
Rule 3 amended A.G.M. 2nd April 1975 Minute 5(a)
Rule 7 amended A.G.M. 2nd April 1975 Minute 5(b)
Rule 5 amended A.G.M. 18th April 1985 Minute 11(a)
Rule 2(a) amended A.G.M. 18th April 1985 Minute 11(b)
Rule 12 amended A.G.M. 17th April 1986 Minute 11(a)
Rule 13 amended A.G.M. 17th April 1986 Minute 11(b)
Rule 1 amended A.G.M. 17th April 1986 Minute 11(c)
Rule 1 amended S.G.M. 12th January 1989 Minute 3
Rule 2 amended A.G.M. 17th July 2003 Minute 11
Rule 5 amended A.G.M. 17th July 2003 Minute 11
Rule 1 amended A.G.M. 29th April 2004 Minute 11
Rule 2 amended A.G.M. 29th April 2004 Minute 11
Rule 3 amended A.G.M. 29th April 2004 Minute 11
Rule 13 amended A.G.M. 29th April 2004 Minute 11
Rule 5 amended A G M 29th April 2010 Minute 6
Rule 5 amended A.G.M. 9th April 2015 Minute 6