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NM Club Equipment

Nuneaton Moviemakers have a selection of equipment available to members to hire free of charge for use on moviemaking projects for the club.  Please sign the kit in and out of the club book.


Just like a puppy you have to promise to look after it.  unlike a puppy you have to book it our again every four weeks, in case there's someone on the waiting list. (So more like a library book really).

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Trelby Screenwriting Tool

It won't write it for you, but it will make life easier for you. Open source screenplay software.


BVFS - Bristol Film and Video Society

All through lockdown Bristol have had guest speakers on interesting topics.  You missed them?

Don't worry they've thought of that too!  

Head over to Vimeo for their meeting showcase.

Or visit their website here for more info ...



DaVinci Resolve Black Magic

Free video editing software as powerful as Adobe,

with no price tag.


Leamington Underground

Those talented people at Leamington Underground have assembled a whole host of exciting resources to get you started from nothing.

Check them out ..


Naxos Music Library

Free access with your Warwickshire Library card to the Naxos classical music streaming.

Link here...



BBC Writers' Academy

The BBC Studios Writers’ Academy is widening the hunt for next big TV drama storytellers.

Link here...


They also have a production unlocked series keep an eye on local press for details.



Moby, all-round brilliant person and master of ambient and striking music has made lots of his music / back catalogue available.  Just let him know how you're planning to use it and it is free. 

Link here...


To begin just browse the catalog. Once you have found the right piece just click the download icon and fill in a simple application telling us a bit about yourself and the way you are using the music. You will receive a high quality AIFF download via email instantly to use in your edit, along with a copy of the mobygratis Non Commercial Licence Agreement.

I hope you find the music you are looking for and whatever you are working on ends up being great...


Do, Think, Share

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Create to Connect - Want inspiration for something creative but don't know what?

Sign-up to 'Do, Think, Share', 

Link here...


Amara Captioning

Amara provide a free to use captioning tool you can use to make your video accessible to people who are hard-of-hearing or deaf.



All those competition sites in one place.

Membership is free, simply upload your details of your film and furnish it with the YouTube hosting link and can select festivals to enter as easily as online shopping.


The Free Sound Project

For that tricky last minute edit when you've lost your foley, the freesound project is there to save you.  Usable under the creative commons license check individual users permissions.

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