Saturday saw the Nuneaton Moviemaker's hosted festival - Millennium at the Mary Forryan Centre in Hinckley. This a venue we've been using for a while now for this event and it serves our purposes well - easy parking, easy access.
Attendance was perhaps a little down on previous years, was this because of Corona virus perhaps?
Unfortunately Doncaster didn't make it to the event, so viewers were left with seven films to pick their favourite.
Tony Ward, from Leicester Movie Makers won with his excellent film Man with Van and Spray Can, a 12 minute film about Richard Wilson, once part-time artist, and the story of how he came to be decorating a building with portraits of the Premier League Champion Squad 2015/16. More of his amazing art is on his website.
Photo courtesy of Richard Wilson.

Nuneaton came third with their Home from Home film, and secured a win in the one minute competition with Nigel & Alan's film Your Choice, a one minute film about the trolley problem facing Artificial Intelligence in autonomous cars.
As ever the Nuneaton Catering Corps were munificent, and the spread of cakes and sarnies much enjoyed with the tea and coffee. Thanks to members and husbands & wives who provided the spread.