Terry writes...

I recently came across this photograph taken when Nuneaton Moviemakers members enjoyed a day out at Stratford-on-Avon. We all went off in different groups, and filmed whatever we wanted in a light-hearted competition.
Afterwards, we gathered on the green next to the car park where we had our picnics. and a general get-together. This photo brings back happy memories - and a few sad ones too, because a few of the people in the picture are, sadly, no longer with us.
I can’t remember the year that we all went to Stratford, but perhaps another member can tell us this. It must have been in the early 2000’s, because I am holding my Sony Digital-8 camera - which, though it still works, hasn’t been used for a number of years. There are other photos from the day, but this one is the best group shot. Happy Days!