On the 6th July, Alan, Michael and I went to Brandon to do some more filming for the logging cart video. The cart has now been rebuilt and what we were filming today was of it being moved from outside the house of one of the ‘cart re-constructor’s team,’ to it’s destination in Brandon Wood, a distance of about two miles, being pulled by a tractor. One of my cameras was attached to the front of the tractor using bungee cords and gaffer tape. I was pleased with the stability of the camera and the footage that it captured, but I don’t expect much of the video will be used, or even required, in the final edited version of the video, as most of what I filmed was the rear view of the man leading the procession. The cart was followed by several members of the Brandon Wood team who walked behind it. They all wore day - glow waistcoats as a safety measure.

A ‘safety car’ also followed behind this team. I had another camera and filmed the procession from various positions, some of it after running in front of the tractor. My monopod was very useful and helped provide good stability for the camera. Alan and Michael went by car to the final destination at Brandon Wood, and filmed the procession entering. Alan said that there’s a lot of footage for him to view and edit for the complete ‘logging cart epic’. It should make a very interesting video. - Gordon