For the benefit of members not on the internet. The club should have hosted a MMM League match on March 19th, but due to circumstances, it was held ‘Online’, where all the films that would have been shown at our Higham Lane clubroom on that night, were instead viewable on members’ computers. Members watched the entries in comfort at home, then e-mailed John with their judgements. John sent out this message afterwards:
“Thank you to all NM members who took part in this on-line vote for the MMM League round held at Nuneaton. I have tried to run this following the same rules as for a "live" league meeting. That meeting would have been attended by Nuneaton members and visitors from other MMM clubs.
Only Nuneaton members would vote. At the end of the meeting the first three places would be announced to those present, with their points score from the vote. The winner would then get 5 points for their ongoing score, (League running total) 2nd place 3 points, 3rd place 3 points and others 1 point. Here then are the results as would be given out at the end of the meeting - I have sent to MMM reps to replicate "visitors". The films are also attached again for visitors to view. The details of voting will be sent to Ken Peake, MMM competition officer, as they would be after a live meeting....Result: 1st Los Amigos, Sutton Coldfield with 9 points (lowest points wins) 2nd Windmills of your Mind, Leicester with 16 points 3rd Golden Oldie, Derby with 28 points Congratulations to Sutton Coldfield and to Paula Webster. Best wishes, look forward to hearing from Lichfield who are running the last round in a similar way.”
Message from Alan...Nuneaton Moviemakers Website....There have been discussions recently about the Nuneaton Moviemakers website design. This is a vital tool, both for attracting new members and keeping us all in touch. An expensive, professionally-designed, alternative has been rejected by the NM Committee. We are fortunate, though, in having two other options; the current site, administered by Jackie, and a new design by Angie. If we went for the latter, management of the new site would probably then be undertaken by Angie. The NM Committee were equally divided in their choice, and it was decided that the matter would be resolved, by Club members, at the AGM.
However, as you will know, we have now had to postpone the AGM until the Coronavirus problem has been resolved. It has been agreed, therefore, that we would continue with the current arrangement until the AGM can be held. In the meantime, please take a look at both the current site - http://www.nuneatonmoviemakers.com and https://bit.ly/nuneaton2020 to see what you think. For the time being, Jackie and Angie will keep their websites up to date, so it’s worth looking at both. Whichever website we decide to use in future, we have to recognise that none of us have been very good at providing content. Could you all please come up with ideas and help provide additional material for the site. In particular, we need photographs of us in action, making films. Also, stills from our movies; preferably those with visual impact. It goes without saying that Gerry also needs this sort of material for the NM Newspages. He has kindly agreed to continue with these, during the lock-down, so that we can all keep in touch until meetings resume.