There were 40 in attendance at the 2020 CEMRIAC Seminar at Perdiswell. Each speaker was introduced by Simon Sumner.
Jon Pegg and David Johns for the two morning sessions, and Chad Higgins and Alan Atkinson after lunch.
Personally, I was impressed most by the two morning speakers. Both of them put over their points of view with non-stop clarity and humour.Jon, a one-time boxer, turned boxing coach/manager, and now filmmaking enthusiast, writes all his own scripts, and manages his actors with fervent resolve, (although he makes use of each actors’ personality to get the best out of them).

But one point that emerged from his talk was this...he has several script read-throughs before even switching a camera on, something we never do!!...AND SHOULD!!
In the very short time since he took up film making, Jon’s continually writing, directing, and now even doing his own editing.
During his talk, he only paused briefly to show very short clips from his award-winning film, “Making Friends As The World Ends.”
before continuing ceaselessly for almost 90 minutes.
Definitely one of the most entertaining speakers we’ve had in a very long while. Following hard on Jon Pegg’s heels was David Johns, a one time BBC reporter/cameraman.
David packed up his job with the Beeb, sold his house and bought a canal narrowboat which at present is moored on the Coventry Canal near Lichfield. And he earns a good living - equivalent to the national average wage - by uploading videos of his travels around the waterways network to YouTube, the adverts on which pull in the cash.
He can be watched on YouTube.

One point he mentioned...500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every 1 minute of every day!!
David gave a concise lesson on YouTube use and how to earn cash from your hobby. After lunch it was the turn of Chad Higgins, a guy who travels the world - literally - to make time-lapse films. He learned the process using his dad’s old VHS video camera, and his work is now used by big TV and holiday/travel companies the world over.
He’s got gear in the Antarctic at present which is filming the progress of glaciers melting. It’s all rigged up to the internet, transmitting details as we speak...and it will be there for 10 years he said!
Last speaker of the day was our Alan Atkinson who detailed the methods he employs when making backgrounds using Blue Screen. He’s used the technique a lot lately, especially when he needs to show actors in a location which it would be impossible to travel to. All of the day’s speakers were well received by a very appreciative audience. All in all another fine Seminar from CEMRIAC. Thanks!