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Putting pen to paper ...

Writer: GerryGerry

Terry comments on club scripts ...

I have been asked to write a brief resume of the first face-to-face meeting that was held at Higham lane school on Thursday 21st October. There were only six of us present but it was a good meeting. Whilst waiting to start, the subject of IDEAS FOR SCRIPTS came up. I told the others of some research I had done recently, and it does not put the club in a very good light. Nuneaton script competitions, 1999-2021 = 21. T. Wheatley winners (7 have been filmed) = 8. Other winners, have these been filmed?? = 13 If we assume that an average of three scripts have been entered into each of the 21 competitions, that equals 63 scripts. Take away all winners and that leaves 42 scripts. So, altogether, 63 scripts have been given to the club in 22 years, and we have to go to outside agencies begging for IDEAS FOR SCRIPTS!!! WHAT ARE WE DOING?? All of those scripts, whether good, bad or indifferent, have, IDEAS--. You couldn't write the script for this comedy of errors - COULD YOU? SO, WHAT ARE NUNEATON MOVIEMAKERS GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? When the meeting proper commenced, John Gibbs went before the two cameras to read his voice-over script for a documentary that he's making. His second take went smoother than the first. This was followed by Nigel, as a very 'camp' telephone operator, from a script by Alan. I followed Nigel, reading as a straight operator. Next, Nigel wanted to interview me about my reaction to Covid. This took me completely by surprise, but that must have added to the reality of the interview. I followed this by doing a warm up for a talking heads comedy which I wrote some time ago, with the hope of filming it myself in the near future. The evening closed with Geoff projecting three short films from the past. One of these was an old cine film of a man's dog, with voice over, which clearly showed how far we have advanced with video. Yes....even a cinematic idiot like me, who, until recently, thought that Zoom was what a Supermarket Spitfire did when trying to shoot down a Junkers 88 in World War 2 !! Anyway, it was a good evening, and we thanked John for arranging it. We hope that more members come to the next one, that is providing that the situation does not get worse. The club room was well prepared for us. No problems.



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